NOTHING FOR SALE, I don't own most of this stuff anyway.

Sailor Saturn Keychain
I don't have much information about this toy. It's mostly plastic. And probably made in 1993, or 1994. This is a rare
keychain, I wish I had it! (sniff) Distibuted in Japan .

In this picture from left to right is the the Super Sailor Saturn UFO catcher keychain from the 5th season. Then the
Hotaru Tomoe UfO cathcer keychain from the third season, And lastly there is the tiny Sailor Saturn 1.5 inch keychain.

This Sailor Saturn keychain was available in Japan, and in Canada. So you would see imports of these in America. This
is bigger than the 1.5 inch keychain, this one is about 2 inches tall. This particular keychain was made by irwin.

Super Sailor Saturn metal keychain from Sailor Moon World |
Okay this is a reallyyyyyyyyyyyyy rare keychain, I'm going to guess and say this was made in 1999 or 2000. This is a
Sailor Moon World keychain, it's metal, and it's quite large, at about 3 inches. Since no one has a picture of this anywhere,
I scanned the keychain myself. There is a whole set of all the outer Sailor Senshi in their Super outfits including all the
Outers, Moon is in her Eternal outfit.